姓 名:冯银厂
邮 箱:fengyc@nankai.edu.cn
主要从事大气污染成因与来源解析技术、大气污染防治技术等方面研究。主持编制了《防治城市扬尘污染技术规范》,《大气颗粒物来源解析技术指南》,《城市扬尘源排放清单编制技术指南》。出版专著两部,发表科研论文200余篇。主持完成国家和地方科研项目40余项,获得省部级科技进步二等奖5项。曾担任杭州G20峰会, 青岛上合峰会,武汉军运会,上海进博会等空气质量保障专家组成员。
《Recent development of Receptor Model for Ambient Particulate Matter Source Apportionment》,科学出版社,2016.11.
1. Dai, Q., Liu, B., Bi, X., Wu, J., Liang, D., Zhang, Y., Feng, Y. *, Hopke, P. K. *. Dispersion Normalized PMF Provides Insights into the Significant Changes in Source Contributions to PM2.5 after the COVID-19 Outbreak. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54: 9917-9927。
2. Dai, Q., Schulze, B. C., Bi, X., Bui, A. A. T., Guo, F., Wallance, H. W., Sanchez, N. P., Flynn, J. H., Lefer, B. L., Feng, Y. *, Griffin, R. J. Seasonal differences in formation processes of oxidized organic aerosol near Houston, TX ,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 19:9641-9661。
3. Hopke, P. K.*, Dai, Q., Li, L., Feng, Y. Global review of recent source apportionments for airborne particulate matter. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 740, 140091.
4. Dai, Q., Hopke, P. K. *, Bi, X., Feng, Y. *, Improving apportionment of PM2.5 using multisite PMF by constraining G-values with a priori information. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 736, 139657。
5. Yingze Tian, Yufen Zhang, Yongli Liang, Zhibin Niu, Qianqian Xue, Yinchang Feng*. PM2.5 source apportionment during severe haze episodes in a Chinese megacity based on a 5-month period by using hourly species measurements: Explore how to better conduct PMF during haze episodes. Atmospheric Environment, 2020, 224, 117364.
6. Peng, X., Vasilakos, P., Nenes, A., Shi, G.L. *, Qian, Y., Shi, X.R., Xiao, Z.M., Chen, K., Feng, Y.C. *, Russell, A.G.*. Detailed Analysis of Estimated pH, Activity Coefficients, and Ion Concentrations between the Three Aerosol Thermodynamic Models. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53: 8903-8913 。
7. Bi X., Dai Q., Wu J., Zhang Q., Zhang W., Luo R., Cheng Y., Zhang J., Wang L., Yu Z., Zhang Y., Tian Y, Feng Y. *,Characteristics of the main primary source profiles of particulate matter across China from 1987 to 2017.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2019, 19: 3223-3243.
8. Peng, X., Liu, X.X., Shi, X.R., Shi, G.L. *, Li, M. *, Liu, J.Y., Huangfu, Y.Q., Xu, H., Ma, R.Y., Wang, W., Feng, Y.C. *, Source apportionment using receptor model based on aerosol mass spectra and 1 h resolution chemical dataset in Tianjin, China.Atmospheric Environment, 2019,198:387-397.
9. J. Ding , Y.F. Zhang, P.S. Zhao*, M. Tang , Z.M. Xiao, W.H. Zhang, H.T. Zhang, Z.J. Yu, X. Du, L.W. Li, J. Yuan, Y.C. Feng*.Comparison of size-resolved hygroscopic growth factors of urban aerosol by different methods in Tianjin during a haze episode. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 678:618–626.
10. 彭杏, 史旭荣, 史国良, 田瑛泽, 董世豪, 冯银厂*.基于受体模型和源成分谱的缺失组分反演算法.中国环境科学, 2019, 39(3),939-947,
11. Shi, G.L., Liu, J.Y., Wang, H.T., Tian, Y.Z., Wen, J., Shi, X.R., Feng, Y.C. *, Ivey, C.E., Russell, A.G., Source apportionment for fine particulate matter in a Chinese city using an improved gas-constrained method and comparison with multiple receptor models. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 233: 1058-1067.
12. Xu, J., Shi, G.L., Guo, C.S., Wang, H.T., Tian, Y.Z., Huangfu, Y.Q., Zhang, Y., Feng, Y.C. *, Xu, J. *, A New Method to Quantify the Health Risks from Sources of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Combined with Positive Matrix Factorization and Risk Assessment Models, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2018, 37: 107-115.
13. Baoshuang Liu, Yuan Cheng, Ming Zhou, Danni Liang, Qili Dai, Lu Wang, Wei Jin, Lingzhi Zhang, Yibin Ren, Jingbo Zhou, Chunling Dai, Jiao Xu, Jiao Wang, Yinchang Feng*, Yufen Zhang*, Effectiveness evaluation of temporary emission control action in 2016 in winter in Shijiazhuang, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 18:7019–7039.
14. Yingze Tian, Zhimei Xiao, Haiting Wang, Xing Peng, Liao Guan, Yanqi Huangfu, Guoliang Shi, Kui Chen, Xiaohui Bi, Yinchang Feng*. Influence of the sampling period and time resolution on the PM source apportionment: Study based on the high time-resolution data and long-term daily data. Atmospheric Environment ,2017,165: 301-309.
15. Ying-Ze Tian, Jia-Bao Chen, Lin-Lin Zhang, Xin Du, Jin-Jin Wei, Hui Fan, Jiao Xu, Hai-Ting Wang, Liao Guan, Guo-Liang Shi*, Yin-Chang Feng*.Source profiles and contributions of biofuel combustion for PM2.5, PM10 and their compositions, in a city influenced by biofuel stoves. Chemosphere ,2017,189: 255-264.
16. Shi, G.L. *, Peng, X., Huangfu, Y.Q., Wang, W., Xu, J., Tian, Y.Z., Feng, Y.C. *, Ivey, C.E., Russell, A.G, Quantification of source impact to PM using three-dimensional weighted factor model analysis on multi-site data. Atmospheric Environment,2017, 160:89-96.
17. Xu, J., Li, M., Shi, G.L. *, Wang, H.T., Ma, X., Wu, J.H., Shi, X.R., Feng, Y.C. *,Mass spectra features of biomass burning boiler and coal burning boiler emitted particles by single particle aerosol mass spectrometer.Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 598:341-352.
18. Liu, BS ; Yang, JM; Yuan, J ; Wang, J ; Dai, QL; Li, TK ; Bi, XH* ; Feng, YC*; Xiao, ZM ; Zhang, YF, Source apportionment of atmospheric pollutants based on the online data by using PMF and ME2 models at a megacity, China. Atmospheric Research, 2017,185:22-31.
19. Wang, J; Zhang, YF*; Feng, YC*; Zheng, XJ; Jiao, L; Hong, SM; Shen, JD; Zhu, T; Ding, J; Zhang, Q, Characterization and source apportionment of aerosol light extinction with a coupled model of CMB-IMPROVE in Hangzhou, Yangtze River Delta of China. Atmospheric Research, 2016,178:570-579.
20. Shi, G.L., Chen, G., Liu, G.R. *, Wang, H.T., Tian, Y.Z., Feng, Y.C. *, Source insights into the 11-h daytime and nighttime fine ambient particulate matter in China as well as the synthetic studies using the new Multilinear Engine 2-species ratios (ME2-SR) method. Journal of Environmental Management, 2016, 181:304-311.
21. S. Han, Y. Zhang*, J. Wu, X. Zhang, Y. Tian, Y. Wang, J. Ding, W. Yan1, X. Bi, G. Shi1, Z. Cai, Q. Yao, H. Huang, and Y. Feng*,Evaluation of regional background particulate matter concentrationbased on vertical distribution characteristics . Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2015,15:11165–11177.
22. Shi, G.L., Liu, G.R., Tian, Y.Z., Zhou, X.Y., Peng, X., Feng, Y.C. *, Chemical characteristic and toxicity assessment of particle associated PAHs for the short-term anthropogenic activity event: During the Chinese New Year's Festival in 2013. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 482:8–14.
23. Shi, G.L., Tian, Y.Z. *, Ye, S., Peng, X., Xu, J., Wang, W., Han, B., Feng,Y.C. *,Source apportionment of synchronous size segregated fine and coarse particulate matters, using an improved three-way factor analysis model. Science of The Total Environment, 2015, 505: 1182-1190.
24. Shi, G.L., Zhou, X.Y., Feng,Y.C. * Tian, Y.Z., Liu, G.R., Zheng, M. *, Zhou Y., Zhang, Y.H., Technical Note: An improved estimate of uncertainty for source contribution from Effective Variance Chemical Mass Balance (EV-CMB) analysis. Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 100:154-158.
25. Shi, G.L., Zhou, X.Y., Jiang, S.Y., Tian, Y.Z. *, Liu, G.R., Feng, Y.C. *, Chen, G., Liang, Y.K.X., Further insights into the composition, source, and toxicity of PAHs in size-resolved particulate matter in a megacity in China, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2015, 34:480-487.
26. 张彩艳,吴建会,张普,张裕芬*,吴虹,史国良,冯银厂*.成都市冬季大气颗粒物组成特征及来源变化趋势.环境科学研究, 2014, 27(7),782-789.
27. Tian, Y.Z., Shi, G.L. *, Han, S.Q., Zhang, Y.F., Feng, Y.C. *, Liu, G.R., Gao, L.J., Wu, J.H., Zhu, T., Vertical characteristics of levels and potential sources of water-soluble ions in PM10 in a Chinese megacity. Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 447,:1-9.
28. Shi, G.L., Tian, Y.Z., Han, S.Q., Zhang, Y.F., Li, X., Feng, Y.C. * Wu, J.H., Zhu, T., Vertical characteristics of carbonaceous species and their source contributions in a Chinese mega city. Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 45:358–365.
29. Yuan Zhang, Changsheng Guo, Jian Xu, Yingze Tian, Guoliang Shi*, Yinchang Feng*.Potential source contributions and risk assessment of PAHs in sediments from Taihu Lake, China: Comparison of three receptor models. Water Research, 2012, 46:3065-3073.
30. Weihong Li, Yingze Tian, Guoliang Shi*, Changsheng Guo, Xiang Li, Yinchang Feng*, Concentrations and sources of PAHs in surface sediments of the Fenhe reservoir and watershed, China, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2012, 75 (1):198-206.
31. Guoliang Shi, Yingze Tian, Yufen Zhang, Wenyuan Ye, Xiang Li,Xuexi TieYinchang Feng*,Tan Zhu ,Estimation of concentrations of primary and secondary organic carbon in anbient particulate matter: Application of the CMB-Iteration method, Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45:5692-5698.
32. Yufen Zhang, Hong Xu, Yingze Tian, Guoliang Shi*, Fang Zeng, Jianhui Wu,Xiaoyong Zhang,Xiang Li,Tan Zhu,Yinchang Feng*,The study on vertical variability of PM10 and the possible sources on a 220m tower, in Tianjin,China, Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45:6133-6140.
33. Guo-Liang Shi,Fang Zeng,Xiang Li, Yin-Chang Feng*,Yu-QiuWang, Guang-Xun Liu,Tan Zhu, Estimated contributions and uncertainties of PCA/MLReCMB results: Source apportionment for synthetic and ambient data sets. Atmospheric Environment, 2011,45: 2811-2819.
34. Xiao-Hui Bi, Yin-Chang Feng*, Tan Zhu, Yu-Fen Zhang, Jian-Hui Wu, and Xiang Li . Determination of Buffering Capacity of Total Suspended Particle and Its Source Apportionment Using the Chemical Mass Balance Approach.J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 2011, 61:7–13.
35. Guo-Liang Shi, Yin-Chang Feng*, Fang Zeng, Xiang Li, Yu-Fen Zhang, Yu-Qiu Wang, Tan Zhu, Use of a Nonnegative Constrained Principal Component Regression Chemical Mass Balance Model to Study the Contributions of Nearly Collinear Sources. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43:8867-8873.
36. 赵普生,冯银厂*,金晶,韩博,毕晓辉,朱坦,张小玲,建筑施工扬尘特征与监控指标, 环境科学学报,2009, 29 (8) : 1618 – 1623.
37. Guo-Liang Shi, Xiang Li, Yin-Chang Feng*, Yu-Qiu Wang, Jian-Hui Wu, Jun Li, Tan Zhu, Combined source apportionment, using positive matrix factorization–chemical mass balance and principal component analysis/multiple linear regression–chemical mass balance models. Atmospheric Environment, 2009, 43(18):2929-2937.
38. 毕晓辉,冯银厂*,朱坦,陈魁. 大气颗粒物酸缓冲能力来源解析技术与应用.中国环境科学,2007,27(5):579-583.
39. Xiaohui Bi,Yinchang Feng*,Jianhui Wu,Yuqiu Wang,Tan Zhu .Source apportionment of PM
40. Pusheng Zhao,Yinchang Feng*, Tan Zhu, Jianhui Wu. Characterizations of resuspended dust in six cities of North China. Atmospheric Environment. 2006,40: 5807-5814.